All Posts in Category: Cancer Zimbabwe

ZIMA and Oncocare co-host a Walkathon

According to the Cancer Registry, there has been a 50% increase in cancer cases over the past decade. The fight against Cancer continues with the thrust to encourage communities to engage in healthy living, eat well and exercise, all pivotal in lowering the risk of developing Cancer.

In light of this, the Zimbabwe Medical Association (ZIMA) and Oncocare Zimbabwe are co-hosting a walkathon to raise Cancer awareness in the Zimbabwe community. The 5km Walkathon will take place on the 15th of July 2017 starting from 06h00 and is open to all ages.

For those who feel up to more than 5km, a 10km route is also available for running or walking. Bothroutes start and ending at Belgravia Sports Club in Harare.


On the 25th of November 2016, Oncocare hosted it’s first walkathon, #strut4Cancer, with more than 200 people attending in show of support. This year, the joint walkathon is meant to be bigger, better and a demonstration that we all have to play.

Join us in support of the walk. Good health adds life to age.

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Donance Kangausaru – Treatment Followup

On the 16th of November, We published an article explaining how Oncocare planned to assist Mr. Kangausaru with local treatment.

His story is so inspiring we have decided to share it with you:

It all started when I noticed a very small lump below the bottom of my right eye which I thought was just a swollen artery. It was painless at first so I brushed it off, telling myself that it would disappear.  As the lump grew in size it became a tumor and the pain increased.

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I first went to Parirenyatwa Hospital for treatment. Results from tests carried out revealed that the tumor was in fact cancerous. The tumour was operated on, but reappeared after a few months. The pain was excruciating, especially when trying to close my eyes. It came to a point where I was only using my left eye.


I was hopeless. I thought that was the end of my life. I was referred to India, but did not have the$10 000 required for medical treatment and related traveling expenses. I could smell my death and was in unbearable pain. I appealed to the public for assistance and received an overwhelming response which I am grateful for. However, the donations were far from enough. Raising the funds was proving to be a tremendous challenge.


Right at the point when I was losing hope, I received a call that changed my life. It was from Oncocare Cancer Centre Zimbabwe, offering to give me a new lease of life by offering medical treatment. Suddenly, there was hope. Oncocare Zimbabwe, a local Cancer treatment center, heard my plight through efforts of the media. Oncocare championed my cause by offering and coordinating my treatment in the form of CT scans and pathology services as well as pulling together their medical resources and network of related specialists and hospital. All my treatment was done locally in Zimbabwe instead of traveling to India. My hope was revived and I was full of life again.


During the middle January 2017 I was booked at West End Clinic for an operation to remove the tumour and it was successfully done by our local clinicians. I could not believe that such a major operation could be done here in Zimbabwe without any complications. I am really grateful that we have such a great team of local experienced doctors. Now I am a free man; my eye sight is restored and the pain is bearable as I am on my way to recovery.

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Mr. Kangausaru on his visit to Oncocare after surgery.

I would like to thank all who have assisted me in various ways including the operating doctor, anaesthetist, West End Hospital, the media who have brought my cause to the public front and last but not least Oncocare Zimbabwe. For me besides that I am feeling better, the other important part is that I got treatment in Zimbabwe instead of going to India for cancer treatment.


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Mr. Kangausaru with Oncocare C.E.O, Mr Deda

To all Zimbabweans and the world at large, I say this monster called Cancer is real. Seek diagnosis and treatment early. Do not ignore any lump or waste time blaming illness on witchcraft. We need to educate each other about the various forms of Cancer, hence programs like Cancer Awareness campaigns should be carried out regularly. Cancer is a killer disease if treatment is not done early. Let us unite and fight this fiery animal. Every day people are dying due to cancer related diseases. It is a national disaster.

Let us help each other. Early detection, early treatment and a life is saved. Let us have faith in local doctors. They can do it. Oncocare and its partners did it for me.


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— Mr. Kangausaru–

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